This report is offered as a guide and was developed from information which, to the best of ENPAC®'s knowledge, was reliable and accurate. Due to variables and conditions of application beyond ENPAC®'s control, none of the data shown in this guide is to be construed as a guarantee, expressed or implied. ENPAC®, LLC assumes no responsibility, obligation, or liability in conjunction with the use or misuse of the information.
The data shown is the result of laboratory tests obtained from leading chemical companies and independent reports that are intended to serve only as a guide. Testing is not conducted by ENPAC®, LLC. No performance warranty is intended or implied. Confirmation of the validity and suitability in specific cases should be obtained. When considering flexible containment for specific applications, it is suggested that a fabric sample be tested in actual service before specification. Where impractical, tests should be devised which simulate actual service conditions as closely as possible.
Ratings are based on visual and physical examination of samples after removal from the test chemical. Results represent the material's ability to retain its performance properties when in contact with the indicated chemical.
The degree of chemical attack on any material is governed by the conditions under which it is exposed. Exposure time, temperature, and size of the area of exposure usually varies considerably in application, therefore, this table is given and accepted at the user's risk.
If the chemical compound is not listed in this guide, this does not necessarily indicate incompatibility. If you require compatibility confirmation from ENPAC or have any questions, email your request to and provide as much information as possible about the chemical compound. The more information provided, the better ENPAC can assist. Information needed for research:
- Chemical compound name
- Concentration (if applicable)
- UN # for the compound
- Current SDS for the chemical compound
Please allow 10-14 days for any testing.
Compatibility Guides:
Fabric Compatibility Guides:
Elvaloy Copolymer
Polythylene Fabric