Are all Overpack drums Salvage Drums?
Posted by ENPAC LLC on Mar 15th 2022
Q: Are all Overpack drums Salvage Drums?
A: NO.
It is critical to understand that “All Salvage Drums are Overpacks, but not all Overpacks are Salvage DrumsTM”. An Overpack is defined in US Department of Transportation regulations 49 CFR 171.8 “Definitions” as “
enclosure that is used by a singleconsignor to provide protection or convenience in handling of a package or to consolidate two or more packages.” This literally means that an Overpack is a bigger container into which a smaller one may be placed. There are many reasons for this, i.e., for protection in shipping, for convenience, or just to consolidate packages.
Note that the material of construction or the type of container is not mentioned in the definition so that an “overpack” could be almost anything. Consider the shipment of goods packaged in cartons and packed in
cases, such as hardware items or dry goods items. The cardboard case into which smaller cartons of product are loaded constitutes the use of an overpack (the outer case). Or consider the shipment of several boxes
stretch-wrapped on a pallet, which also constitutes an overpack. The word “overpack” is really just a generic term as can be seen from the regulatory definition above. But the term Overpack can also mean much more.
An Overpack Drum is simply a larger container to hold a smaller one.
Salvage Drums and overpacks may look the same or similar, but only those drums that meet or exceed the Pressure Test performance prescribed by regulations are Salvage Drums. Finally, the manufacturer’s labeling
must state “Salvage” or “Salvage Drum”.
All ENPAC Poly-Overpack® products from 20-gallon size through 110-gallon size meet or exceed all of the regulatory requirements and are authorized and qualified Salvage Drums. They are tested and marked to
prove it. Qualification notices are available for each ENPAC Poly-Overpack® Salvage Drum online or upon request.
For more information about this issue or on any of our products contact ENPAC at 1-800-936-7229, or on the web at WWW.ENPAC.COM for more information.